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Helping clients to de-risk future pipeline decisions and capture growth and opportunities to build differentiated capabilities.

The Science Behind Limited specialises in delivering cutting-edge neuroscience technologies and capabilities tailored for early-phase clinical trials focused on neurodegenerative diseases and central nervous system disorders. Our team develops multimodal solutions, integrated into complex clinical trial designs to cost-effectively leverage central nervous system measures, and provide unparalleled objective insights into physiological responses to drug effects.

Latest News

Utility of TMS and EEG in Phase 1 Drug Trials for Alzheimer’s Disease

Despite decades of research, developing effective treatments for Alzheimer’s remains challenging. TMS-EEG could go some way by offering early indicators of efficacy.

MHRA Timelines Back on Track

With MHRA clinical trial approvals back on track, the UK is now as competitive as it has ever been for clinical trials.

Enhancing Drug Abuse Potential Assessments: The Role of Cognitive Test Batteries and Neuroimaging Techniques in Human Clinical Trials

Drug abuse liability studies are vital for assessing the potential of a drug to be abused. While preclinical trials provide important insights, it is equally important to evaluate…

A Promising New Drug for Treating Cognitive Decline in Schizophrenia

The Science Behind is playing a crucial role in the neurophysiological screening and monitoring of a phase I clinical trial for a new drug, MDI-26478, developed by Cardiff University’s…

The Science Behind Supports Rare Disease Day

Rare Disease Day is an important annual observance that raises awareness about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. First established in 2008 by EURODIS, it has…

Recognised as the Best in Early Phase Neuroscience Clinical Trials.

Our Company Wins European Enterprise Award. Exciting news! Our company has been awarded the Best Early Phase Neuroscience Clinical Trials CRO at the European Enterprise Awards! This recognition…

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